Apex 4 " Micro + Chief 2005 lumenier motors - Best park flying drone ever? Impulse RC Jon E5 FPV 14:38 3 years ago 11 170 Далее Скачать
DJI FPV / ImpulseRc Apex Micro 4 and Gopro Hero 9 =CHILLS! Up North FPV and EUC 1:43 3 years ago 1 323 Далее Скачать
Micro Apex 4" - Motor Transplant - Holy Crap! 1507's/4x3x3 destroy 2004's/4x2x3 in like ALL aspects! PalethiusFPV 4:27 3 years ago 1 253 Далее Скачать
ImpulseRC Micro Apex 4 - Most of a whole pack, raw-ish - FPV Freestyle Ripping and Breaking PalethiusFPV 3:11 3 years ago 1 270 Далее Скачать
ImpulseRC Micro Apex 4". Practicing hitting some gaps, powerloops and table bonks. MatMayhem666 4:46 2 years ago 36 Далее Скачать